Shift Time & Log Requirement

Shift Time:

All NYSP officers are required to fulfill a minimum of **2 hours of shift time per week**. This requirement is essential to ensure adequate coverage and responsiveness within our community.

Logging Requirements:

In addition to the shift time, officers are now required to log a minimum of **1 moderation action per shift hour**. These actions include, but are not limited to, citations, statements, warrants, arrests, and warnings.

The purpose of this logging requirement is to:

- Ensure that all officers are actively contributing to the community during their shifts.

- Provide a clear record of enforcement activities for review and accountability.

- Enhance the quality of our policing by encouraging thorough documentation of all interactions.

Please note that the minimum number of logged moderations may be subject to increase over time as we continue to evaluate the needs of our community and the effectiveness of our policies.

Compliance with these updated policies is mandatory for all officers. Failure to meet these requirements will be addressed according to departmental procedures.

Revision 3.1.2

Troopers Assigned to the reserve division of New York State Police are exempt from this requirement and fall under a different set of regulation for shift time, and logging requirement.

These policies are subject to revision and change.