Use of Force on an Motor Vehicle

1. Lethal Force:

- Lethal force may only be used when a trooper reasonably believes that such force is necessary to protect the trooper or others from an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury.

- Lethal force against a moving vehicle is prohibited unless:

- The vehicle is being used as a weapon against the trooper or others, and no other means are available to avert or       eliminate the threat.

- There are no bystanders who may be harmed if the vehicle loses control.

2. Non-Lethal Force:

- Troopers are encouraged to use non-lethal force options when appropriate to gain control of a situation or suspect.

- The use of spike strips or stop sticks is authorized to safely stop a fleeing vehicle when:

- The vehicle is involved in a felony that includes the use or threat of physical force.

- The vehicle poses an immediate threat to the safety of the public or officers.

- The deployment can be conducted in a manner that minimizes risk to the public, officers, and suspects.


- Before using force, troopers must make all reasonable efforts to de-escalate the situation and use alternative measures.

- Any use of force must be documented appropriately in the New York State Police Record System.